Vaccinations Specialist

Sasan Massachi, MD
Primary Care Physician located in Beverly Hills, CA
Vaccinations provide critical resistance against serious diseases, helping the body to stay healthy. Dr. Sasan Massachi offers a broad range of vaccinations to help people in and around the Los Angeles, CA, area ward off serious diseases, including vaccines required by schools and for travel overseas.
Vaccinations Q & A
Why do I need to be vaccinated?
Vaccinations provide the body with important defenses against serious diseases and conditions that can have life-threatening consequences. While the body produces many antibodies against diseases through the immune system, there are some diseases that are too strong for the body's natural defenses to ward off on its own. Vaccines provide that critical protection so you can stay healthy throughout adulthood.
If I had vaccinations as a child, do I still need them as an adult?
Yes; some vaccinations such as the shingles vaccine are only for adults, so you must have them during adulthood. Others that you had as a child may require “booster” vaccinations to ensure they continue to do their job. And still other vaccinations may have been developed since you were a child, which means they were not available then but are now. Dr. Massachi will review your health records and history to determine which vaccinations you need to stay healthy.
What kinds of vaccinations are available?
Dr. Massachi offers a full complement of vaccinations, including:
- Flu
- Shingles
- Hepatitis A and B
- Measles, mumps and rubella
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Pneumonia
- Polio
- Tetanus
- Meningitis
- Typhoid
- Other vaccines required for school entry, employment or international travel
By reviewing your health records and talking with you about potential exposures and other health risks, Dr. Massachi can help you determine which vaccinations you need to help you stay in the best of health.
Can a vaccine make me sick?
No, vaccines will not make you ill. With some vaccinations, you may experience discomfort or aching in or near the injection site or a slight achiness overall as your body makes antibodies that will enable you to fight the disease if you come in contact with it. Any minor side effects will resolve within a few hours to a day or so.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
This is a short list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed below.